A House to Let

A House to Let

Аудио ном:

4 цаг 12 мин


₮ 25,500

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Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл


An elderly woman obsesses over the house opposite to her own cottage as she sees signs of life in a supposedly empty dilapidated house. Along with a friend and her servant, she works to discover what is happening within. A House to Let is a short story originally published in 1858, written as a collaboration between four authors: Dickens, Collins, Gaskell, and Procter. Charles Dickens then edited everything into a seamless story.

Номыг сонссоноор

Experience a story, told from chapter to chapter, through four different stylistic narrations Get to know Victorian-era London, etiquette, and its people

Сонсоход тохиромжтой хүмүүс

Anyone interested in Victorian-era literature and language Mystery lovers

Аделаида Энн Проктер

Аделаида Энн Проктер

Санал болгох

Лазарийн эмэгтэйчүүд

Лазарийн эмэгтэйчүүд

Марина Львовна Степнова

Вэн хот

Вэн хот

Үй Хуа