


Айн Рэнд

Аудио ном:

2 цаг 11 мин


₮ 25,500

(Хязгааргүй сонсох 1 сарын эрх)

Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл


They existed only to serve the state. They were conceived in controlled Palaces of Mating. They died in the Home of the Useless. From cradle to grave, the crowd was one—the great WE. In all that was left of humanity, there was only one man who dared to think, seek, and love. He lived in the dark ages of the future. In a loveless world, he dared to love the woman of his choice. In an age that had lost all trace of science and civilization, he had the courage to seek and find knowledge. But these were not the crimes for which he would be marked for death. He had committed the unpardonable sin: He had rediscovered the lost and holy word—I.

Номыг сонссоноор

Explore the ideas of collectivism and individualism set in a post-apocalyptic world where the government is in complete control Regain hope and trust in the human spirit and heart

Сонсоход тохиромжтой хүмүүс

Fans of dystopian fiction People willing to rediscover themselves as individuals Science fiction lovers

Айн Рэнд

Айн Рэнд

Санал болгох

Лазарийн эмэгтэйчүүд

Лазарийн эмэгтэйчүүд

Марина Львовна Степнова

Вэн хот

Вэн хот

Үй Хуа