Emma: A Fragment of a Story

Emma: A Fragment of a Story

Аудио ном:

43 мин


₮ 25,500

(Хязгааргүй сонсох 1 сарын эрх)

Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл


Miss Mabel Wilcox, the owner of a newly opened girl's boarding school, meets the wealthy Mr. Conway Fitzgibbon, who drops off his frail daughter to be educated there. When background checks are made, it is discovered that no well-to-do family by the name of Fitzgibbon exists! Supposed Matilda Fitzgibbon is a pseudo-heiress - a fake! What is Miss Wilcox to do? Published posthumously, these two chapters are the only existing fragments of Emma, the novel Brontë worked on until her untimely death in 1855. Since then, it has been "completed" twice by other authors.

Номыг сонссоноор

Work your mind to imagine the possible endings to an unfinished story Get to know a unique piece of English literature

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Anyone interested in Victorian-era literature and language Mystery lovers

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