The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer


Марк Твейн

Аудио ном:

6 цаг 46 мин


₮ 25,500

(Хязгааргүй сонсох 1 сарын эрх)

Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл


This colorful story is set in St. Petersburg, in the 1840s, where our clever protagonist boy Tom Sawyer grows up having all kinds of adventures and mischiefs: racing bugs during class, impressing girls, especially Becky Thatcher, with fights and stunts in the schoolyard, getting lost in a cave, and playing pirates on the Mississippi River. The two rascals, the town’s outcast Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer, get together after school for more adventure … and a mysterious case of murder!

Номыг сонссоноор

Experience a very well-known and popular story concerning American youth Get to know the very first novel to be written on a typewriter Listen to one of many great stories of Mark Twain, one of America’s finest storytellers.

Сонсоход тохиромжтой хүмүүс

For anyone interested in the livelihoods of the 1840s’ Americans For pre-teen boys For children of all ages Fans of American literature

Марк Твейн

Марк Твейн